eSTEP is the European Stroke Organisation’s new collection of all our educational materials from across Europe and Learning Management System. Ultimately, it is for you to use in whatever way helps support your stroke education and those of your colleagues, whether to guide your own learning in comprehensive stroke topics, to find lectures on areas of interest, to provide educational materials you can use in your own presentations or, ultimately, to gain CME points (once this facility is available). It also provides facilities for group discussions, webinars and live teaching groups using shared learning materials, but we are keen to adapt and develop it in any way that is helpful to you. Please let us know your ideas.
eSTEP is a resource to encourage easy access to stroke educational materials and increase communication among ESO members.
Currently, all members of ESO get access to eSTEP as a benefit of membership. If you belong to an affiliated organisation, don’t forget to apply for the reduced rate for individual membership.
If you represent an organisation that produces stroke educational material, please get in touch. We would love to host your material to advertise your society or meeting and to spread your expertise and learning across Europe. As such, we would be very happy to please also talk to us about your members gaining access to the institutional area of eSTEP and options for affiliation with eSTEP.
Use the email address you use for your ESO membership to set up your eSTEP account.
Not an ESO member? Join ESO and your membership provides access to eSTEP. If you are an Associate member, upgrade to full ESO membership for only 50 EUR per year.
The recorded videos are provided within eSTEP for educational purposes, and are not necessarily available for download and reuse, but where we provide powerpoint presentations, literature and other materials, these are provided for your use.
ESO are aware that the circumstances of the past year(s) have resulted in a lot more digital content than ever before. Often, this content is large in size and hosted for a short period of time on a congress website. We invite all Organisational Members to host their stroke educational content as part of the eSTEP Institutional Corner. To submit content please contact us at
We have a special area, the ‘Industry Corner,’ to host the excellent material. This provides additional educational material for your benefit, and is all clearly identified as industry sponsored content. As part of this agreement, a small amount of sponsorship may be provided to ESO or the eSTEP to support hosting the platform.
Materials within the ‘Stroke Education’ and ‘Institutional Corner’ branches have been produced without industry involvement, unless clearly labelled otherwise.
No industry input was included in the development of eSTEP is a platform for members by members.
Please send an email to to arrange inclusion of your materials in eSTEP. We are very happy to host original content that meets the quality standards of ESO. As a thank you, we will provide all authors an annual report indicating the interest in your materials.
Yes. Junior membership in ESO is available to individuals under 35 and often at no cost.