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15. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a neurological disease characterized by amyloid beta-peptide deposits within small- to medium- sized blood vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. It is a major cause of lobar hemorrhage, especially in the elderly, and can manifest with symptoms ranging from transient neurological deficits (TFNE) to cognitive decline. Over the years, the knowledge of this condition has made much progress, but much remains to be elucidated. Diagnostic criteria have evolved over time, and recently new “special” forms of CAA have been introduced. In particular, the inflammatory form (CAA-ri), for which pharmacological treatment is possible, and the iatrogenic form, for which a connection with exposure in remote times to exogenous amyloid is hypothesized.

In the first part of the webinar, led by Dr. Storti, the clinical framework will be introduced, with practical examples from the everyday clinic, highlighting some aspects on which there is still much room for research.

The second part, led by Prof. Werring, will focus on CAA in the scientific literature, exploring recent developments, possible future perspectives and suggesting some good clinical practice rules.

CAA is a condition for which a cure is not yet available; therefore, the ability to recognize it and act on tight control of risk factors in the patient are vital. The goal of the webinar is to spread knowledge (and curiosity) about this disease, stimulating the audience to interact and share their experience.

This webinar is an educational offering curated by the YSPR and Education Committees for members of ESO. We thank you for understanding that it is not possible to grant credits (CME or others) or provide certificates of participation for this webinar.

Please note that the information presented in the webinar series represents the views and opinions of the presenters and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).

Type of Course: One Part Year of Creation: 2024 Source: ESO Webinars Content Level: Core Topic

  • ESO webinar 15_Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed