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10. Prevention of Complications in Acute Stroke

One of the commonest reasons for high morbidity after acute stroke is due to the development of complications that result in secondary harm, both directly from the stroke itself and from the medical complications of neurological dysfunction. Prevention of these complications is therefore critical.

In this webinar, Prof. Christine Roffe (Keele University, UK) and Dr. Lina Palaiodimou (Attikon University Hospital, Greece) use an illustrative case to demonstrate the current state of both evidence and clinical practice for preventing these complications, such as deep vein thrombosis, aspiration pneumonia, and many others.

An interactive discussion among presenters, moderators, and participants will follow.

This webinar is presented as a educational offering curated by the YSPR and Education Committees for members of ESO. We thank you for understanding that it is not possible to grant credits (CME or others) or provide certificates of participation for this webinar.

Please note that the information presented in the webinar series represents the views and opinions of the presenters and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).

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Type of Course: One Part Year of Creation: 2023 Source: ESO Webinars Content Level: Core Topic

  • ESO Webinar 10_Prevention of Complications in Acute Stroke
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed