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07. Decrompressive Hemicraniectomy - From evidence to challenging decisions

The 7th Episode of ESO`s Educational Webinars featured speakers Dr. Soffien Ajmi (Stavanger University Hospital) and Prof. Bart van der Worp (University Medical Center Utrecht), focusing on decompressive hemicraniectomy in malignant MCA ischaemic stroke.

Dr. Ajmi discussed a real-life case demonstrating the complexity of decisions required in clinical practice to balance this life-saving intervention against the probability of severe disability, and to what extent this remains valid in patients outside the specific indications of the seminal trials.

Prof. van der Worp discussed the evidence base and indications in clinical practice for when intervention is appropriate in this population, and what we know about more difficult questions that occur in real-life practice.

The webinar was moderated by Dr. Else C. Sandset and Dr. Alastair Webb.

Type of Course: One Part Year of Creation: 2022 Source: ESO Webinars Content Level: Core Topic

  • Decompressive Hemicraniectomy_Educational Webinar 7.mp4
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed