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05. Intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH)

Intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH) gathers an heterogeneous group of underlying vessel diseases. The cause of ICH is important to identify because it will influence the outcome and the risk and nature of future vacsular or cognitive events.

In the 5th Educaitonal Webinar, Dr. Barbara Casolla presents cases of ICH and sollicits participants input to discuss the etiological work-up. Prof. Charlotte Cordonnier provides an overview of the causes of ICH and how to build the etiological work-up

The webinar closes with an interactive discussion moderated by Dr. Alastair Webb and Dr. Yvonne Zuubier.

Type of Course: One Part Year of Creation: 2022 Source: ESO Webinars Content Level: Core Topic

  • Intercerebral haemorrhages (ICH)_Educational Webinar 5
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed